It’s important to balance your workouts by incorporating cardiovascular exercise. If you’re looking for a change in your existing routine, you can get your heart pumping with this treadmill and rower cardio workout! Visit our blog page as we release a new workout every week!
Workout Space: 4th Floor
Equipment Needed: Treadmill & rower
Run/Walk on Treadmill
1. 0-5min: warm-up pace RPE 3-6
2. 5-20 min: steady state RPE 5-8
3. 20-27min: Interval alternate 30 seconds hard work RPE 7-10 with recovery RPE 4-6
4. 27-30min: cool down walk/run RPE 3-6
Rower Intervals
1. Row 200 meters.
2. Do 10 push-ups.
3. Row 200 meters.
4. Do 10 push-ups.
5. Row 200 meters.
6. Do 10 push-ups.
7. Row 100 meters.
8. Do 10 push-ups.
1. Plank – 2 x hold 1 min.
2. Assisted leg Raises – 2 x 15 reps
3. Trx Wide Stance Hip Hinge with Shoulders Opening – 1 x 15 reps
4. Hip crossover – 1 min. each side